
Splinters of pain slashing away at life,
Shattering the meaning of my existence,
Away you walked, nonchalant.

Cracks deepen into chasms of grief,
That hope can never hope to bridge.

Poem in response to Weekend Writing Prompt hosted by the lovely Sammi Cox. This week’s prompt:

Poetry Challenge – Write a five line poem that includes at least three of the following synonyms for “fragment”:

  • piece
  • splinter
  • snippet
  • particle
  • break
  • shatter
  • fracture
  • disintegrate
  • crack

Legacy of scars

The golden goal shines,

Enchanting with its allure.

I am drawn, transfixed.


Seduced by the promise of glitter,

Ploughing through hardships many,

I trod, gathering the legacy of scars.


My body beaten, my resolve broken,

Too tired to pursue, too weary to protest,

I accept the burden of failure, defeated.


Time applies, its soothing balm,

Maturity feeds me, detachment,

Regret gifts me, the mirror of reflection.


Wearing the lens of hindsight, I look back,

Why was I so drawn to the golden orb?

When I am standing on one, if only smaller?


The hole in my soul echoes its answer.

“The pursuit of labor was a good deed,

Until you sold contentment, for greed.”


Propelled by hard work once more I am.

Peace and contentment cushioning the ride,

Trading the legacy of scars, for pearls of wisdom.



Sand of today is the mountain of yesterday,
Mountain of today is the earth of yesterday.
River of today is the rain of yesterday,
Rain of today is the ocean of yesterday.

Success of today is the failure of yesterday,
Failure of today is the success of yesterday.
Circling between destinies, people stuck in orbits,
With no escape or respite, from its dizzying flow.

Free from this pendulum, are those lucky few,
Who realize, rain, river, and ocean, are only water.
Success and failure, are but labels they were given,
They are and always remain, persistently humane.



Passing through

Time passes through spaces,

Leaving behind history, itself remaining young.

History passes through minds,

Creating and shaping opinions, itself ever morphing.

Opinion passes through actions,

Building an imagined reality, itself getting ever stronger.

Reality passes through life,

Constraining and stifling it, itself being an illusion.



Words are just tools

that others use.

For they forgot

to use their eyes.


Our story though, is written

between the lines of silence.

You know what I think,

I know what you feel.


The cold silence of strife,

The content silence of peace,

We have seen all in this life,

Except for that final one.



Who would be first between us,

to ride that boat into

the Eternal silence

I do not know.


But I do know that

we will follow

each other’s steps.

Silently as always.

Have you observed some old couples? They sit beside each other, perfectly content and perfectly silent. Perhaps there is nothing left to tell. But I believe, it is because they don’t need to tell. They just know. And they feel loved, content and so peaceful. This poem was inspired by such couples. If I may be audacious, I would also like to dedicate it to them.


A losing battle

Each drop gasps for breath,
Just as it touches the water.
Reaching out, seeking help,
Surviving for a moment more.
Drowning with the effort,
And plunging to the bottom,
Drop by drop the rain loses,
Its battle for identity.


Submit to the consequences and
don’t begrudge,
Acceptance of fate and its teachings
is the path to take.
Lies and falsehoods are these words
declares my withering heart.

Insensibility of sleep fails to penetrate
the fog of anger.
Salve of consolations does not soften
the stabs of torment.
The warmth of embrace does nothing to thaw
the winter of hate.

When the intensity of passion
falls short,
When the ache of all trials
isn’t enough,
When all the heartfelt prayers
aren’t heard,

All that is left is only the pall
of dark disappointment.


Being me

I adorn myself with the armor of timidity
Protection from words is now a surety.
Some say she is shy; such a recluse
Others say her arrogance is beyond excuse.

The verdicts fail to penetrate the armor
It drowns all the noise and the clamor.
Solitude rescues me from the armor’s hold
Leaving me surrounded by all words untold.

With urgency their wish on paper is seared
This poem is evidence of their order adhered.
Shut from the world, the words set me free
To ponder, explore and accept; and just be me.


What defines me

Memories of you seize me in unguarded moments
Washing over me and pelting me, like torrential rain
Where do I seek shelter, when it is myself I am running from?

Everyone says, whatever happens, happens for the good
Show me all the things I hate about you; tell me it’s good riddance
Is it? I question myself. Has my love for you been so blind?

It must be; for it screened from me all the signs and hints
Now, as I set out to chart out the lonely path of discovery,
What do I deserve and what is in store, who can tell?

I KNOW one thing for sure though; the one guiding lamp to my path
You may have found me worthless, a dead weight around your leg
But that is YOUR scale, not mine. I will NOT let this define me.

The buoyant heart

Wafting with each draft
Drifting with each wave
Gliding and floating away
There is no goal to reach
Nowhere to settle.

With complete submission
The buoyant heart follows
The path charted by changes.
Scars or wounds there are none
With nothing to hold me down.

Shielding Fury

Anger spirals out of you
Binding me; choking me
Vengeful words slice me
Fury brands its scar on me

I remind myself to stay calm
forming a shield of patience
this storm shall pass too; so
don’t judge the clouds for the storm.

This last line is what I often tell myself when a loved one is furious. At that moment I do feel angry myself and dislike the person for their insensitivity. But then at the same moment, I tell myself “this is a person I love and for many many reasons. So, just ride this storm out with patience and sort it out later, Meanwhile, don’t judge the clouds for the storm.”


The pursuit

“Keep the phone” he barked
Silenced, she complied, heart-broken.
“Patience is all I need”, she thought;
Refusing to accept defeat.

She would pursue him still.
She needed him, she HAD to get him,
Times were tough and sales were slow.
She had to get customers and soon.