Is Internet the panacea?

We all seek help. In fact, we all NEED help -no matter how positive we are or how seasoned. Every now and then we are stumped; faced with an unfamiliar situation that makes us unhappy – either it is because we let us ourselves down or someone else has; someone or something touched a memory that we have tried hard to overcome. Sometimes it is just because someone has been downright mean (including us). Guilt, anger, envy, anything really can trigger the feeling of “what the hell am I supposed to do now?!”

Our first go-to friend in most such cases – is the internet. Maybe because that is the easiest, most anonymous (so we think, at least), perhaps fastest thing to do. Sometimes, if we are lucky, we get exactly the answers that we had been seeking. But then how often does that happen?

What the internet really provides us, without fail and on all occasions is PERSPECTIVE. We get to know two very important things within just about two minutes.

  1. We are not alone. There are a great many who have had similar experiences and have somehow figured a way out.
  2. We are unique. No one person is or has gone through the exact same situation as us.

The best picture of the Internet is perhaps, that of a reassuring friend – who nods her head no matter what we tell her, smiles back and offers comfort “You know honey, ….”. And we come back feeling light and relieved; with a feeling of having been understood and with a feeling of having understood our own situation and others’ as well. She has given us the perspective and wisdom that we so lacked in an unfamiliar, albeit very personal situation. We are all aware of the “what” in our life. Mostly though we are at a loss for the “why”. And that is where she helps us most. When we put the “what” and the “why” together, slowly, we can chisel away at the “how” – How do I change this situation? And we do eventually, in our own way.

So is Internet the panacea? Probably not. But we should still seek her for getting the choicest ingredients to make our own concoction.

Hell’s guardian

PHOTO PROMPT © Jan Wayne Fields

“Hey! Look what we got there!!” whispered Gary.

“Is that? Wow! It IS different, isn’t it? We should take it as a sample”. Bosco was pure excitement.

Being herpetologists, they skillfully bagged the snake.

Back in the car and a few miles down, they could not help but observe the contrast of scenes. The forest had morphed into hell’s playground, denuded to make way for a refinery.

Gary regarded the box next to him, holding the precious treasure, a legacy for all generations to come. Bosco’s voice penetrated his thoughts.

“So, what do we name him?”

“Cerberus” said Gary grimly.

Flash fiction in response to Friday Fictioneers hosted by the lovely Rochelle.

In Greek mythology, Cerberus, often called the “hound of Hades”, is the monstrous multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead from leaving.


Pride and Prejudice

three line tales week 116: an astronaut doing space repairs

“Of all days, today I dreamt that she was an astronaut; out in space installing whatever-it-is on a spacecraft, making us proud” Rita sobbed into her handkerchief. “What a tragedy!”
“It’s ok dear, not everything is in our control….” trailed off Edgar, looking utterly devastated.
Holding hands tightly they watched their ecstatic daughter say “I do” to her artist husband.

Photo credit: photo by NASA (yes, THAT NASA – which is why you want to click through to the full-size picture for the full effect) via Unsplash


Flash fiction in response to Three Line Tales hosted by Sonya.

PS: I hope you can forgive my transgression with the title. It was simply too tempting! 🙂

Yes. She does!

PHOTO PROMPT © Douglas M. MacIlroy

Everything felt good. The sun shining on her face, the luminescent green of the course, the happy vibe in her heart.

Everything felt different. Were these the same greens on which she had walked for so many years? Somehow today, it seemed to pulsate with life.

Everything was perfect. There was Sam, cheering her on; just as she had done for so many years. He looked ecstatic.

She thought about the five words that had started it all.
“Why don’t you try it?”

“Seriously? Do girls even play this?”

“Well, my girl does” he had said kissing her.

Flash fiction in response to Friday Fictioneers hosted by the lovely Rochelle.

Some reference:

The Evergreen

It had been two hours and panic finally succeeded in flooding my senses. No more brave face; hope no more.

Where was I? I had seen the same landscape the entire time I was lost – trees too tall; vegetation too dense; forest too evergreen.

I looked up at whatever sky I could find and let the panic flow through tears. Defeated and tired, I plopped down in despair.

Time stood still.

I sensed a movement. Panic again.

Suddenly space was curved, the forest a stretched blur; sky, streaks of blue on a green smear. Entire space cramped into a tunnel around me. I squeezed my eyes shut to kill the hallucination.

Very slowly, I opened my eyes. Tunnel still there. Unthinking, I started crawling.


Flash fiction in response to Weekend Writing Prompt hosted by the lovely Sammi Cox.

This week’s challenge:

Prose Challenge – Write a story with a word limit of 125 words on the theme of ‘timelessness’.

Bonus point for each of the following:

  • using the word “evergreen”
  • setting the story in the photo above


Yes. There has a been a break. It has been 4 months. Of course, I can offer reasons for my absence. Getting back into the grind of things after the medical shake-up; multiple family events (and hence commitments); multiple deliverables at the office and the list goes on. They are all true.

However, I can also admit the TRUTH.

Convincing ourselves of the ‘facts’ like those listed above is easy. It lets us get on with life as we know it; helps us to remain firmly seated in our comfort zone; tells us that we are fine individuals trying to do our best given the circumstances. Essentially, it lets us feed the illusion that keeps us happy.  It is also the illusion that holds us back.

On the other hand, accepting truths, bitter ones, about ourselves is a painful process that involves introspection, detachment from the situation, brutal honesty, coming to terms with our limitations or mistakes and finally, forgiving ourselves. Often, this means we will be harsh and critical of ourselves, refusing to take courage that we will not fail the next time we try, sometimes preventing ourselves from trying again. When we realize, we will never know if we never even try, perhaps we will also find the courage to try.

How about then, coming out with the truth and telling the entire world about it? Letting yourself be judged, truly for who you are? That takes a different kind of strength; one that doesn’t seek approval from without but from within. The one that says “I am ashamed. Yes. But I will try again because that is the only thing I can do.”

So what is that TRUTH about which I am making such a lot of fuss? The truth is that I could have written, at least on some days, but I did not – because of inertia. Writing and reading are passions of mine – of course! However, if there is a break, for whatever reason, there falls a wedge, a chasm, that gets wider and wider as time progresses. It is like an avalanche. A rock starts to fall as a natural process (like the medical situation). In itself, it is not that dangerous. However, as it rolls, it turns into this dangerous, all destroying force. The gnawing feeling of inadequacy, the urge to break the monotony and live the passion are all there. But they are still powerless against the mass of rolling inertia. The mass needs to break and dissipate against a bigger force, the inertia needs to be surmounted by the will.

Nothing very dramatic. I know. But it is also very real. The reality of limiting ourselves, not because we lack passion but because we say “I will do it tomorrow”. All of us do this in one aspect or the other. We continue to live in the illusion that we will truly get to it tomorrow. If we don’t get to it today when we can, we probably won’t get to it tomorrow either.

I am not sure how I managed to overcome the inertia. I took a break without doing anything at all for 2 full days. That probably naturally reset my system and my passion trumped the inertia finally. Thankfully.

We all then need to ask ourselves – what resets my system? A talk from a motivational speaker? A chat with a best friend? Rest and distance (like me)?

Or is a reset really required? What if you just did what you want to do, make a beginning, without really thinking about it? Chances are, you will love it so much, you will “just” do it again tomorrow, and the day after and the day after that……

What’s spooky

Photo courtesy: Fandango

“Do you think it is true? Could they really be…?”

“Please!! You don’t believe THAT.”

“You know, you’re right. Let it be whatever it is. We are here; we admired; took a picture. That’s all in it for us.”

“Sounds like you are spooked, Karlie. That’s super rare. Are you okay?”

“I don’t know… Something about this place is just… off. Makes me want to get the hell out of here.”

“Then let’s. Come on!”


Next day.

“Did you girls really go there? Oh my God!! I can’t believe it!”

“I don’t understand what the fuss is. They were just a bunch of gnarled branches in the middle of the forest. Seriously. I am not showing off or anything. There really was nothing. But somehow, Karlie was terribly spooked.”

“Don’t tell me! Not Karlie!”

“I know!! That was what probably spooked ME – a little. Anyway, I guess she is OK now. There she comes.”

“Hey girls! Glorious morning isn’t it? Looks like the best one in a hundred years” Gloria said from inside Karlie’s body.

Flash Fiction in response to FFfAW hosted by Priceless Joy.

What a wonderful life

“Happy New Year!!” they shouted in unison.
“Happy New Year!” she smiled back weakly, still groggy from sleep.
Once fully awake, she grinned widely. It was that time of the year when she was most happy. Well, not most. She was most happy on her birthday. There were more presents then! Nevertheless, these words spoken, no, shouted every year always filled her heart with love.

“So Margaret dear, what is your topmost resolution for this year?” Diana asked, plopping herself on the bed beside her as Tom walked over to Margaret’s side.
“Umm… I’m not sure mom… Couple of things?”
“Well, good! What are they?”
Margaret began excitedly.
“I want to study the stars. Apparently, they are the most brilliant objects in the universe. Then, I want to learn maps, so I never get lost.”
“That’s a great plan,” Tom remarked.
“Thanks, dad. I wonder though, how I will keep track of all these classes. I am already in the music and abacus classes. I could get overwhelmed you know.” replied Margaret.
Tom laughed aloud.
“No, you won’t! Of course, you’ll manage it all and very well at that. But we did think you might like a little something to keep you company? That’s why we bought this for you.”

“What is it?” Margaret immediately reached out her arms like any ten-year-old would.
She grabbed at it and felt the hard corners of the pocketbook. Hurriedly she opened it and felt its pages. There was no mistaking it.
“A diary! Oh, I love it… Thank you so much, dad!”
“You are very welcome dear,” said Tom as he bent down to hug his blind daughter.

He felt content and at peace. Life can be so wonderful sometimes.

Flash fiction in response to Weekend Writing Prompt hosted by the lovely Sammi Cox.

This week’s prompt: Write a story inspired by the making – or breaking – of a New Year’s resolution.


Story 1: She traded her grief for loneliness.

Story 2: Grief stays; even when happiness deserts.

Microfiction in response to Six Word Story Challenge hosted by Nicola.

So sorry everybody for my absence (again). The medical issues resurfaced :'(. They are under control now and am back… Thank you all for your patience.

Wish you all a very very Happy, Prosperous, Healthy, Peaceful New Year!


The romance of it all!

It was the most romantic place I had ever seen. I loved him more than ever; marveled at his thoughtfulness. All stayed well for less than twenty-four hours. That’s when they arrived.

I now marvel at his naivety, in believing that I would have loved a surprise party; with relatives – on our first anniversary!!!

Microfiction in response to MicroMondays hosted by Varad.

This week’s prompt: “All stayed well for less than twenty-four hours.”

Word count: 54




The Cold Reality


PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson


She walked on the icy pavement in front of the warehouse; oblivious to the trees that had cried through the night too. Chattering teeth were her answer to the icy silence of the yard. Unable to move anymore, she plopped down in front of the door; hugging herself, trying to stay alive. The sun peeped out, breaking free of its cold shackles and she waited – for death or an angel, she didn’t know.

“Follow your dreams,” they say. But they never say how; how to make a living in an alien city; how not to die there alone and miserable.

Flash fiction in response to Friday Fictioneers hosted by the lovely Rochelle Wisoff.