The stranger

PHOTO PROMPT © Sarah Potter

Dying alone is the worst curse. He had been dead for three days before I realized I hadn’t seen him. We had hardly known each other. Just a nod of the head as I passed his home. But still, I felt miserable. I had to do something for him. So what if he was dead?

I decided to help clean his apartment. The little there was enough to tell me that he liked flowers and the color red; collected chopsticks. I also found a pair of old, cobwebbed shoes. That meant, he wasn’t born a cripple… I wonder, what happened?

Word count: 100

Flash fiction in response to Friday Fictioneers hosted by the lovely Rochelle Wisoff.

32 thoughts on “The stranger

  1. Beautiful and touching story, FP.
    I think the faces that we see everyday also become a sub-conscious habit and hence the miserable feeling on hearing about their passing .
    The last line is intriguing. Sadly, now she will never know .

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Fluid Phrase.
    By making the man a nodding acquaintance, you’ve distanced the narrator from him. This pushes the grief to one side and allows us to feel curious about him.
    This would make a great start to a longer story.
    With best wishes

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I know the pull of this feeling to clean. My husband and I found our neighbor dead in her bed last fall. She really had no family and, because she had just returned from a 3-week trip and was getting ready for another, her usually spotless house was a mess. I went over every day for a week and tidied her bedroom and cleaned her fridge and cupboards, did the dishes…. Your story hit a spot I’d forgotten – in a very good way. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, you really left us wondering. I loved that the MC felt strong enough about his nodding acquaintance to get involved even if it was too late

    Liked by 1 person

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